The Boston University ASDA Advocacy Committee is committed to spreading advocacy through the members, staying up to speed with current issues at hand, and bringing the issues to legislators through organized legislative events. Our committee is dedicated to diversity, as well, to make sure that we can see issues from several different angles and make the most well-rounded position on each issue.
Past Events
BU Advocacy Committee is active in participating in Beacon Hill Lobby Day here in Boston and National Lobby Day in Washington DC. Debates and Desserts and Advocacy Academy are local BU chapter events set up to educate our chapter members on advocacy efforts!
Dinner and Learn with State Senator Cindy Friedman - October 2024
Main Events
MDS Beacon Hill Lobby Day BU ASDA and Tufts ASDA brought the #ASDAdvocacy back home to the Commonwealth today to be the voice of dental students on licensure, midlevel providers, and insurance coverage at MDS Beacon Hill Lobby Day |
Bay State Lobby Day Bay State Student Lobby Day was founded in 2014 by GSDM ASDA students in an attempt to offer more events for dental students who are interested in political advocacy! |
The IssuesOne of ASDA's main goals is to protect the profession of dentistry and the well being of dental students. To achieve this, all students should be able to learn about the issues at hand, both positive and negative. has great resources to learn about what the general topics are, but check out our YouTube channel for upcoming videos that include some more locally focused examples!
Advocating couldn't be easier, with engage!We encourage everybody to get involved with legislative events to help protect our future. It's never too early or too late and you can have any level of experience to be a great asset to our team! ASDA ENGAGE is a great system that helps you contact both local and national legislators. It only takes a minute and all you have to do is plug in your information and the website generates an automated message with all the pertinent information. This is a great and easy tool to make sure your voice is heard!
American Dental Political Action Committee (ADPAC)
As dental students, it is understandably difficult to be constantly tracking and pushing the legislative actions that pertain to dentistry. ADPAC is the political arm of the ADA that stays on top of the legislative world while we focus on studies and clinics. The only way to add your voice to such a strong safeguard is to sign up! You can do this at any point with your ADA number using the button below or you can sign up during BU ASDA's annual ADPAC drive!