Boston University Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine
Chapter of the American Student Dental Association (ASDA)
The name of the organization will be the Boston University Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine (GSDM) American Student Dental Association (ASDA).
The American Student Dental Association is a national student-run organization which protects and advances the rights, interests, and welfare of students interested in and pursuing careers in dentistry. It represents students with a unified voice and provides information, education, advocacy, and services. The Association introduces life-long involvement in organized dentistry, and promotes change for the betterment of the profession.
The objectives of the Association will be:
Updated: January 2021
The name of the organization will be the Boston University Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine (GSDM) American Student Dental Association (ASDA).
The American Student Dental Association is a national student-run organization which protects and advances the rights, interests, and welfare of students interested in and pursuing careers in dentistry. It represents students with a unified voice and provides information, education, advocacy, and services. The Association introduces life-long involvement in organized dentistry, and promotes change for the betterment of the profession.
The objectives of the Association will be:
- To provide educational programs to members on topics important to their career development.
- To participate in and provide legislative advocacy, disseminate legislative and political information, and promote membership involvement in such actions in order to protect the best interests of the dental profession.
- To provide a means by which students may participate in and communicate with the American Student Dental Association (ASDA), the American Dental Association (ADA), and the Massachusetts Dental Society (MDS) in order to promote life-long involvement in organized dentistry.
- To promote and participate in community activities and contribute to charitable organizations that serve to increase access to dental care or enhance general health in underserved populations.
- Support recruitment of pre-dental members to ASDA, and encourage their participation in and transition into the field of dentistry.
- Membership in the American Student Dental Association is open to all pre-doctoral and advanced standing students enrolled in the Boston University Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine (GSDM), and those students enrolled in a graduate program of no less than one year in duration.
- There will be no discrimination because of gender, gender identity, race, religion, political views, nationality, handicap, sexual identity, etc. in accordance with Boston University Discrimination policies.
- All predoctoral students are automatically enrolled in ASDA and Members must attend at least two organization events per academic year and pay yearly dues to remain an organization member in good standing.
- Members must pay annual dues, which shall be collected automatically via the BU administrative student charge, payable by September 1st of each academic year. Annual dues will include national and local dues providing membership in ASDA, student membership in the ADA, and the Boston University ASDA chapter.
- This organization’s Executive Board (the Board) will consist of five officers: First Delegate, Second Delegate, Treasurer, Secretary, and Legislative Liaison Chair.
- All officers must be full-time pre-doctoral or advanced standing students in good academic, clinical and social standing.
- The Executive Board is required to meet monthly.
- The First Delegate and Second Delegate may not be both members of a graduating class.
- No organization member may hold more than one Board position at any time.
- Any member of the Board may be relieved of his/her duties by:
- A unanimous vote of the other board members.
- The faculty advisor(s)
- Assistant Dean of Students
- Letter detailing the reason(s) for an executive board member being removed from his/her position must be submitted to the faculty advisor(s) and the Assistant Dean of Students.
- A Board member may resign his/her position at any time, by submitting a signed letter to the members of the Executive Board, the faculty advisor(s), and the Assistant Dean of Students.
- The Executive Council shall have the power to create and eliminate offices of the Board.
- First Delegate
- It will be the duty of the First Delegate to oversee all operations of the organization, while providing leadership and strategic goals for the academic year, with responsibilities including, but not limited to:
- Chairing the Executive Board
- Presiding over and creating agendas for general member meetings
- Interacting with the administration and the organization’s faculty advisor(s) in a respectful, professional, and courteous way
- The First Delegate will act as the primary liaison with GSDM Student Affairs, ensuring the organization’s activities and projects are in accordance with all University and school policies.
- The First Delegate will be responsible for working with the Executive Board and members to develop and submit the organization’s strategic plan, prior to the start of the academic year. This plan should include goals for the year and proposed events for each semester.
- The First Delegate may represent the Association as ASDA First Delegate, and to attend the national ASDA Annual Session and regional meetings.
- The First Delegate may represent BU ASDA at the Annual Session of the MDS.
- The First Delegate will, if applicable, provide a written report and presentation to the Office of the Dean, the Office of Student Affairs and the Office of Academic Affairs upon returning from each national and regional meeting.
- It will be the duty of the First Delegate to oversee all operations of the organization, while providing leadership and strategic goals for the academic year, with responsibilities including, but not limited to:
- Second Delegate
- The Second Delegate will assume the responsibilities of the First Delegate should he/she be unavailable.
- The Second Delegate will preside over organization meetings in the absence of the First Delegate.
- The Second Delegate may represent the Association as ASDA Second Delegate, and to attend the national ASDA Annual Session and regional meetings.
- The Second Delegate may represent BU ASDA at the Annual Session of the MDS.
- The Second Delegate will, if applicable, provide a written report and presentation to the Office of the Dean, the Office of Student Affairs and the Office of Academic Affairs upon returning from each national and regional meeting.
- The Second Delegate will not be a member of a graduating class if the First Delegate is a member of a graduating class.
- Treasurer
- The Treasurer will be responsible for all financial transactions, requests, and obligations, as outlined in the Student Organization Policies and Procedures.
- The Treasurer will be responsible for keeping a detailed log for all financial transactions for the organization.
- The Treasurer will be responsible for tracking all dues payments and keeping up-to-date records, which will be shared with the organization secretary.
- The Treasurer will be responsible for signing all necessary financial paperwork with Student Affairs.
- Secretary
- The Secretary will be responsible for managing the organization’s email account, including sending out all organization electronic communications, in accordance with GSDM and Boston University policies.
- The Secretary will be responsible for keeping detailed notes for general body and Executive Board meetings.
- The Secretary will be responsible for creating and maintaining a Google Drive under the Association email account, where all important documents, etc. will be stored for continuity.
- The Secretary will ensure a room is booked for all meetings and student events, via the GSDM Portal.
- The Secretary will be responsible for compiling and submitting the organization’s Annual Report and organization roster and membership lists each year.
- Legislative Liaison
- The Legislative Liaison will be responsible for informing members of local, state and national legislative news of interest to dental students and the profession.
- The Legislative Liaison will be responsible to conduct and preside at Legislative Committee publication meetings.
- The Legislative Liaison will be responsible for communicating with and sending reports to the Legislative Grassroots Network.
- The Legislative Liaison will be responsible for serving as a liaison to the local and state dental associations for legislative issues.
- The Legislative Liaison may attend ASDA National Dental Student Lobby Day in Washington, D.C.
- The Legislative Liaison may attend Beacon Hill (State) Lobby Day.
- The Legislative Liaison will be responsible for maintaining updated records of contacts, protocol, and any other instructions used during the year in office to complete chair responsibilities due at annual Chapter elections and turned in to the current Secretary.
- The Legislative Liaison will sit as chair of the Advocacy Committee.
- Elections must be held in February of the academic year to allow for effective and efficient transition between outgoing and incoming officers.
- Executive Board Elections will be the first elections for the new board
- Committee Chair and Vice chair elections will be in separate elections but may share the same applications.
- Applicants may specify if they are applying for just the chair position, just the vice chair position, or both.
- Elections for the chair positions will occur before elections of the vice chair positions, and the ballot will be edited to remove individuals that only applied for vice chair positions.
- Following the election of chairs and before distributing the vice chair ballot, the ballot will be updated to remove Elected Chairs and individuals that chose not to apply for Vice Chair.
- Election Protocol
- Secretary must submit a list of students wishing to run for office to Student Affairs for academic approval by the end of January.
- Student Affairs will verify that the students listed are eligible to run and serve as officers for the following academic year.
- If any student is ineligible, the Secretary must remove their name from the list of potential candidates.
- The Secretary will create an electronic ballot via Google Forms with all applicants listed as numbers to keep voting anonymous.
- The Secretary will share the ballot link and anonymized application responses with all voting members of the Board.
- Voting members include the current ASDA Executive Board, Committee Chairs, and Class Representatives.
- Although the Legislative Liaison sits on the Executive Board and is a Committee Chair, the Legislative Liaison only has one vote.
- When electing Chairs, the previous Legislative Liaison will be given a vote due to their position as Advocacy Committee Chair.
- At least two-thirds of voting members must submit their ballots before voting can be concluded.
- After ballot closes, the Secretary will review election returns and inform officers, faculty advisors, and membership of election results
- If necessary a new application and election should be held by the above protocol to fill any remaining vacancies in the board.
- The complete board roster should be sent to student affairs including:
- The list of board members
- Their respective positions.
- Class Year
- BU email address
- New Officers will take office on May 1st.
- Special Election
- If an officer is removed from office due to academic or disciplinary reasons, the remaining officers will email the organization’s membership asking for nominations. Once nominations are received, the Secretary will follow election protocol above for a special election.
- Any official member of the organization may submit an amendment at any time by emailing the Executive Board or the organization’s official email address.
- A simple majority vote of the Executive Board is required for any amendments to the organization’s constitution.
- If the amendment is accepted, the organization’s Secretary must update the constitution and re-submit to Student Affairs via email.
- Advocacy
- Chair
- The Legislative Liaison will serve as Advocacy Committee Chair
- To conduct and preside at Advocacy Committee meetings.
- Required to attend all ASDA Board meetings.
- Voting members of the Board.
- Maintain an updated record of contacts, protocol, and any other instructions used during the year in office to complete chair responsibilities due at annual Chapter elections and turn in to current Secretary.
- Document all events with photographs, text, etc. for the Chapter.
- To submit post-event reports within 1 week after an event to the Secretary.
- Co-Vice-Chairs
- To assist the Chair in his/her responsibilities.
- Required to attend all ASDA Board meetings.
- Not a voting member of the Board.
- Chair
- Class Representatives
- Six (6) students, one from each pre-doctoral and advanced standing class years, will be selected during elections by the Board to represent their individual classes in ASDA Board meetings.
- Class Representatives will be responsible for disseminating information to their respective classes through class announcement emails, flyers, etc.
- Will report to the ASDA Board with feedback, questions, concerns, etc. from the classes.
- Required to attend all ASDA Board meetings.
- Class Representatives will be responsible for assisting the Legislative Liaison Chair in collecting ADPAC membership fees and sign-up forms.
- Voting members of the Board.
- Document all events with photographs, text, etc. for the Chapter.
- To submit post-event reports within 1 week after an event to the Secretary.
- Community Outreach
- Chair
- Will coordinate ASDA sponsored community volunteer activities for BU GSDM students.
- To conduct and preside at all Community Outreach Committee meetings
- Manage ASDA participation and involvement in annual volunteer events.
- Communicate and work with the Community Health Programs (CHP) and the extramural volunteer events, including Sealant programs, elementary school field trips, education vans, etc.
- Required to attend all ASDA Board meetings.
- Voting member of the Board.
- Maintain an updated record of contacts, protocol, and any other instructions used during the year in office to complete chair responsibilities due at annual Chapter elections and turn in to current Secretary.
- Document all events with photographs, text, etc. for the Chapter.
- To submit post-event reports within 1 week after an event to the Secretary.
- Vice-Chair
- To assist the Chair in his/her responsibilities.
- Required to attend all ASDA Board meetings.
- Not a voting member of the Board.
- Chair
- Dental Education
- Dental Education Committee will be run by GSDM Chapter of the American Dental Education Association (ADEA).
- ADEA will be run based on the organization’s Constitution.
- ADEA will hold their own elections in accordance with the Association.
- Chair will be able to represent GSDM or nominate a member of the committee to attend National and/or Regional American Dental Education Association meetings.
- Chair will coordinate students that are interested in participating in the Teaching Assistant Program (TAP).
- Chair is a voting member of the Board.
- Chair and Vice-Chair required to attend all ASDA Board meetings.
- Vice-Chair to assist the Chair in his/her responsibilities.
- Vice-Chair not a voting member of the Board.
- Diversity and Inclusion
- Chair
- To conduct and preside at Diversity and Inclusion Committee meetings.
- Required to attend all ASDA Board meetings.
- Voting member of the Board.
- Maintain an updated record of contacts, protocol, and any other instructions used during the year in office to complete chair responsibilities due at annual Chapter elections and turn in to current Secretary.
- To submit post-event reports within 1 week after an event to the Secretary.
- Vice-Chair
- To assist the Chair in his/her responsibilities.
- Required to attend all ASDA Board meetings.
- Not a voting member of the Board.
- Chair
- Ethics and Professionalism
- Chair
- Be able to sit on or nominate a member of the committee to the Dean’s Counsel of Ethics and Professionalism, if requested.
- Be available to represent GSDM or nominate a member of the committee to attend National and/or Regional Student Ethics and professional Association (SPEA) meetings.
- To conduct and preside at Ethics Committee meetings.
- Required to attend all ASDA Board meetings.
- Voting member of the Board.
- Maintain an updated record of contacts, protocol, and any other instructions used during the year in office to complete chair responsibilities due at annual Chapter elections and turn in to current Secretary.
- To submit post-event reports within 1 week after an event to the Secretary.
- Vice-Chair
- To assist the Chair in his/her responsibilities.
- Required to attend all ASDA Board meetings.
- Not a voting member of the Board.
- Chair
- Fundraising
- Chair
- To coordinate fundraising activities for the chapter.
- To conduct and preside at Fundraising Committee meetings.
- Required to attend all ASDA Board meetings.
- Voting member of the Board.
- Maintain an updated record of contacts, protocol, and any other instructions used during the year in office to complete chair responsibilities due at annual Chapter elections and turn in to current Secretary.
- To submit post-event reports within 1 week after an event to the Secretary.
- Vice-Chair
- To assist the Chair in his/her responsibilities.
- Required to attend all ASDA Board meetings.
- Not a voting member of the Board.
- Chair
- Gold Crown
- Chair
- The Immediate Past president will serve as the Chair of the Gold Crown Committee. If the Immediate Past President can not serve as Gold Crown Chair, or chooses not to, then it will be an elected position.
- Collect information, prepare and complete applications for ASDA awards.
- Apply for ASDA awards.
- To conduct and preside at Gold Crown Committee meetings.
- Required to attend all ASDA Board meetings.
- Voting member of the Board.
- Maintain an updated record of contacts, protocol, and any other instructions used during the year in office to complete chair responsibilities due at annual Chapter elections and turn in to current Secretary.
- Chair
- Health and Wellness
- Chair
- Organize wellness events for the chapter in conjunction with the other Committees, when appropriate.
- To conduct and preside at Health and Wellness Committee meetings.
- Required to attend all ASDA Board meetings.
- Voting member of the Board.
- Maintain an updated record of contacts, protocol, and any other instructions used during the year in office to complete chair responsibilities due at annual Chapter elections and turn in to current Secretary.
- To submit post-event reports within 1 week after an event to the Secretary.
- Vice-Chair
- To assist the Chair in his/her responsibilities.
- Required to attend all ASDA Board meetings.
- Not a voting member of the Board.
- Chair
- Lunch ‘n Learn
- Chair
- To communicate and work with the Office of Student Affairs in regards to scheduling guest lecturers and invited presenters for lunch and learns.
- To organize lunch and refreshments at lunch and learn events.
- To manage advertising and correspondence with the student body in regards to lectures, lunch and learns, seminar series, etc.
- To conduct and preside at Lunch ‘n Learn Committee meetings.
- Required to attend all ASDA Board meetings.
- Voting member of the Board.
- Maintain an updated record of contacts, protocol, and any other instructions used during the year in office to complete chair responsibilities due at annual Chapter elections and turn in to current Secretary.
- To submit post-event reports within 1 week after an event to the Secretary.
- Vice-Chair
- To assist the Chair in his/her responsibilities.
- Required to attend all ASDA Board meetings.
- Not a voting member of the Board.
- Chair
- Newsletter
- Chair/Editor-in-Chief
- To edit all articles and determine which will be included in the Newsletter.
- To recruit writers and photographers to submit material for the Newsletter.
- To conduct and preside at Newsletter Committee meetings.
- Required to attend all ASDA Board meetings.
- Voting member of the Board.
- Maintain an updated record of contacts, protocol, and any other instructions used during the year in office to complete chair responsibilities due at annual Chapter elections and turn in to current Secretary.
- Vice-Chair
- To assist the Chair in his/her responsibilities.
- Required to attend all ASDA Board meetings.
- Not a voting member of the Board.
- Layout Editor
- To create the layout for the Newsletter in both printable and electronic versions.
- Required to attend all ASDA Board meetings.
- Not a voting member of the Board.
- Chair/Editor-in-Chief
- Pre-Dental
- Chair
- To recruit pre-dental members and educate the group about important member benefits.
- To supply undergraduate advisers with ASDA Pre-Dental membership information, including membership application and promotional materials, and encourage the establishment of ASDA Pre-Dental chapters.
- To organize events at the dental school for pre-dental chapters.
- To conduct and preside at Pre-Dental Committee meetings.
- Required to attend all ASDA Board meetings.
- Voting member of the Board.
- Maintain an updated record of contacts, protocol, and any other instructions used during the year in office to complete chair responsibilities due at annual Chapter elections and turn in to current Secretary.
- To submit post-event reports within 1 week after an event to the Secretary.
- Vice-Chair
- To assist the Chair in his/her responsibilities.
- Required to attend all ASDA Board meetings.
- Not a voting member of the Board.
- Chair
- Public Relations
- Chair/Graphic Designer
- To handle any task related to computers and technology for the chapter.
- Provide documentation and Chapter event information to the Office of Communications.
- To serve as the Chair of all publications authored by BU ASDA, except the Newsletter
- Work with the Executive Council and other Board position members.
- To conduct and preside at all Public Relations meetings.
- To submit articles, pictures, etc. to be published in ASDA National publications.
- To solicit advertisements for all publications.
- Required to attend all ASDA Board meetings.
- Voting member of the Board.
- Maintain an updated record of contacts, protocol, and any other instructions used during the year in office to complete chair responsibilities due at annual Chapter elections and turn in to current Secretary.
- Film/Photographer
- Will attend and document BU ASDA and GSDM events
- Will keep a record of all media taken for future use
- Required to attend all ASDA Board meetings.
- Not a voting member of the Board.
- Social Media Specialist
- Will work with the Secretary to advertise BU ASDA events on social media networks
- Will manage the BU ASDA social media accounts
- Required to attend all ASDA Board meetings.
- Not a voting member of the Board.
- Website Specialist
- Will manage and update the BU ASDA website
- Will work with other Public Relations Board members and Executive Council to receive and store information and files needed for the BU ASDA website
- Required to attend all ASDA Board meetings.
- Not a voting member of the Board.
- Chair/Graphic Designer
- Social
- Chair
- To coordinate all BU ASDA social events and activities with the academic calendar.
- To maintain correspondence with the student body regarding events, activities, etc.
- To initiate functions with other dental student groups, such as (but not limited to) the Hispanic Dental Association, the American Association of Women Dentists, and Alpha Omega.
- To conduct and preside at Social Committee meetings.
- Required to attend all ASDA Board meetings.
- Voting member of the Board.
- Maintain an updated record of contacts, protocol, and any other instructions used during the year in office to complete chair responsibilities due at annual Chapter elections and turn in to current Secretary.
- To submit post-event reports within 1 week after an event to the Secretary.
- Vice-Chair
- To assist the Chair in his/her responsibilities.
- Required to attend all ASDA Board meetings.
- Not a voting member of the Board.
- Chair
- Each Committee will have an elected first year intern with the exception of:
- Gold Crown
- Class Reps
- Education
- Selection of First Year Interns will follow the same voting procedure as outlined in Article VI however their application cycle will begin in August.
- It is under the discretion of the Executive Board to add any additional first year intern positions.
- Responsibilities:
- To assist the Chair and Vice Chair(s) in their responsibilities.
- Expected to attend all board meetings.
- Expected to attend all meetings for their respective committee
- Not a voting member of the Board.
- Responsibilities:
- To assist the Chair and Vice Chair(s) in their responsibilities.
- Expected to attend all meetings for their respective committee(s)
- Not a member of the Board
- Individuals must apply to each committee that they would like to be a general member of.
- ASDA Board members are not allowed to apply for general committee member positions.
- There is no cap set to the number of general committee members each committee may have.
- Following the closing of applications, the secretary will provide a list of all individuals that applied to each committee to the respective committee chairs.
Updated: January 2021